At 51 years old, Michael Todd sets a new world record in the pronation lift with 83.9 kg, surpassing the performances of Levan Saginashvili (80 kg) and Léonidas Arkona (77.5 kg). This resounding success is a direct response to his next opponent at theEast vs West 15, Genadi Kvikvinia, who recently provoked him:
"I've never had a more frightened opponent in my entire career. You're silent, you say nothing about me, no threats...perfect! I'm coming to destroy you. I'm going to rip off your arm and take it to Georgia as a trophy. I'm warning you in advance how I'm going to beat you: I'm going to grab your hand as high as I can and crush your top roll with my press. You have no idea what you're in for."
Following the publication of his exploit, Michael Todd shared a new video in response to Genadi:
"I'm happy to see that Genadi is confident. I've broken all my personal records and set a world record. I have no reason to fear anything. I can't wait to be there!"
Don't miss the meeting on November 2 for the East vs West 15, an event which promises to be the most prestigious of the series, with 9 matches for the world champion title.
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